
Social Media Analysis

Effective social media analysis is an ongoing process that informs your strategy and helps you adapt to changing trends and audience preferences. Regularly reviewing and refining your approach based on data insights is key to achieving social media success


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Social Media insights

  • Identify high-performing content and understand the factors contributing to its success
  • Measure the level of engagement your content generates, including likes, comments, shares, and overall interactions
  • - Track the performance of hashtags used in your posts

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Analyze the demographics of your social media audience, including age, gender, location, and interests


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Evaluate the performance of your content by analyzing likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates.

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Page competitive analysis

  • Analyze the social media presence of competitors.
  • Identify their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies to refine your own approach

AI-Based Sentiment Analysis

Traces page comments by detecting positive and negative comments and calculating the total percentage for each

  • Conduct sentiment analysis to gauge the overall sentiment of comments and mentions related to your brand
  • Understand how your audience perceives your content and address any negative sentiment

AI-Based Sentiment Analysis

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26 Mohamed Mazhar st., Zamalek, Cairo.